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发表时间:2010-10-29  浏览次数:396次

  作者:黄超,杨风光,张延榕,何延瑜 作者单位:福建医科大学 省立临床学院泌尿外科,福州 350001

  【摘要】 目的 观察人同种异体真皮脱细胞组织补片(AMG)治疗复杂性尿道狭窄的尿道重建中的临床疗效,寻求理想的尿道修复材料。 方法 以AMG作为尿道重建的替代材料,治疗男性复杂性尿道狭窄患者25例,术中将AMG缝合成管状,替代缺损尿道,术后4周拔除导尿管。 结果 尿管拔除后恢复排尿25例,尿道造影显示尿道连续性好,术后1年膀胱尿道镜示AMG腔表面已被尿路上皮细胞覆盖,与自体尿道不可分辨。术后2~6月再发尿道再狭窄4例,其中2例行尿道扩张术,2例行尿道内切开术,患者可通过尿道正常排尿。 结论 AMG是较理想的尿道替代材料,适合于多段或长段的尿道狭窄或缺损。

  【关键词】 尿道;尿道狭窄; 真皮 ; 细胞外基质 ; 移植, 同种

  Homologous Dermal Acellular Matrix Graft for Urethral Reconstruction in Treatment of Complex Urethral Stricture

  HUANG Chao,YANG Fengguang,ZHANG Yanrong,HE Yanyu

  Department of Urology, Fujian Provincial Hospital; Provincial Clinical College, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China

  ABSTRACT: Objective To evaluate homologous dermal acellular matrix graft (AMG) for urethral reconstruction in the treatment of complex urethral stricture and to find an ideal replacement material to simplify the urethroplastic surgery. Methods Twentyfive male patients with complex urethral stricture were treated with allograft of tissue engineering material AMG, which was sutured into a tubular graft to replace the defective urethra. The catheters were retained in the reconstructed urethrae for 4 weeks. Results All 25 patients were voiding well after the removal of the catheters. Urethrography revealed excellent urethral continuity of the reconstructed urethra. Urethroscopic examination showed the graft urethra was covered by epithelial tissue and grew into the native tissue.Stenosis developed in 4 patients 2~6 months after the operation,of which 2 patients received transurethral incision and the other 2 urethral sounding. Conclusion The homologous dermal acellular matrix graft may serve as an ideal replacement material for complex urethral stricture or defect.To investigated the value of homologous dermal acelular matrix graft(AMG) for urethral reconstruction in treatment of complex urethral stricture,and found an ideal replacement material to simplify the urethroplastic surgery. Methods 25 male patients,aged 2355(mean 29.5),with complex urethral stricture were treated with allograft of tissue engineering material AMG.The causes of urethmplasty were complex urethralstricture followed by pelvic fracture(16 cases), repeatable urethral infection after longterm retaining catheter (2 cases),urethrotomy(5 cases), urethral gonorrhea (2 cases).During the operation,AMG was sutured to a tubular graft and replaced the defect urethra.Catheter Was inserted in the reconstructed urethra for 4 weeks. Results All 25 patients were voiding well after removing the catheter,urethrography reveal excellent caliber of the reconstructed urethra.Urethroscopic examination showed the graft urethra was covered by epithelial tissue and grew into the native tissue.Stenosis was developed in 4 patients during 26 months postoperatively,2 patients received transurethral incision,another 2 needed urethral sounding.All patients voided normally except 2 cases needed urethral dilatation periodically. Conclusion The homologous dermal acellular matrix graft may serve as an ideal replacement material for complex urethral stricture or defect,without concern of rejection.

  KEY WORDS:urethra; urethral stricture; dermis ;extracellular matrix ;transplantation, homologous

  复杂性尿道狭窄的治疗较为棘手,特别是再次治疗失败的长段尿道狭窄或闭锁,目前仍是尿道狭窄治疗上的难题,一个重要原因是缺乏理想的尿道替代材料。笔者应用组织工程学材料同种异体真皮脱细胞基质(homologous dermal acelular matrix graft,AMG)作为尿道重建的替代材料,获得较好效果,现报道如下。

  1 对象与方法

  1.1 对象

  收集2005年1月-2007年9月笔者医院泌尿外科收治的男性长段尿道狭窄或闭锁患者25例,年龄(29±7.9)岁(23~55岁)。尿道狭窄病因:骨盆骨折尿道断裂后行尿道成型术失败16例,长期留置尿管,反复尿道感染致前尿道多段狭窄2例,行尿道切开取石致术后前尿道狭窄5例,淋球菌感染导致多段尿道狭窄2例。尿道狭窄史(3.2±1.3)年(1~6年),不成功的手术治疗史(3.0±1.1)次(l~5次)。来院时因严重尿道狭窄或闭锁而行耻骨上膀胱造瘘21例,排尿不能成线4例,呈滴沥状,尿动力学检查自由尿流率2~5 mL/s。尿道造影提示长段尿道狭窄(3~6 cm)伴闭锁13例,长段尿道狭窄3例,多段尿道狭窄9例。

  1.2 术前准备

  术前2周行尿细菌培养和药敏检测,给予敏感抗生素治疗,0.02%灭菌呋喃西林溶液500 mL膀胱冲洗每天2次,淋球菌感染后尿道狭窄者按难治性淋球菌感染治疗。

  1.3 方法

  腰硬或全麻下,阴茎腹侧直切口,视尿道狭窄位置加会阴部倒Y型切口,探查尿道,闭锁段及长段狭窄瘢痕予彻底切除,瘢痕增殖较轻的多段狭窄之尿道于腹侧中线剖开,测量需修复的尿道长度。采用北京清源伟业生物组织工程科技有限公司提供的一次性使用的T1型异体真皮脱细胞组织补片(为白色、半透明、蜂窝状片块无菌组织,一面为基底膜面,较粗糙,另一面较光滑,为真皮面,置于2~8 ℃冷藏保存。)将AMG补片按相应长度裁减后,以18~20 Fr的Foley导尿管为支架,用50可吸收肠线连续加间断缝合成管状,光滑面为成形尿道的内面,并与阴茎海绵体固定数针防止移位,两端分别与已分离并修整好的尿道断端做连续外翻吻合,对狭窄段尿道瘢痕轻者,在切除瘢痕后,于中线剖开尿道,FCM补片直接与尿道剖开缘缝合以扩大尿道。在Foley导尿管旁另留置Fr6多孔硅胶管于尿道中,近端越过尿道吻合口。

  1.4 术后处理

  阴茎和会阴部予加压包扎3 d后,改为普通纱布包扎。呋喃西林溶液从Fr6多孔硅胶管冲洗尿道每天2次。全身应用广谱抗生素。术后4周拔除Foley导尿管和多孔硅胶管。术后随访自由尿流率,尿道造影和尿道镜检查。

  2 结 果

  术后4周拔除导尿管后均能正常排尿。术前平均尿流率为(0.5±1.3)mL/s,术后尿流率(18.2±8.4)mL/s(P<0.05);术前最大尿流率<5.3 mL/s,术后最大自由尿流率22.3~28.4 mL/s。随访7~24月,4例术后再次出现排尿困难,分别发生于术后2,5及6月。术后2月发生者均为淋球菌感染后的尿道狭窄,逆行尿道造影显示再次出现多段尿道狭窄,给予维持定期尿道扩张,最大自由尿流率达11 mL/s,另两例尿道再狭窄均发生于FCM补片与近心端尿道吻合处,尿道镜检查可见瘢痕缩窄环,行冷刀内切开后效果良好。

  其余患者每3月复查自由尿流率,1年后最大自由尿流率(19.6±7.1) mL/s(18.5~25.7 mL/s)。逆行尿道造影显示尿道管径粗大,弹性较好。尿道镜检查见术后3月见ADM补片区域表面光滑,但色泽较正常尿道黏膜苍白,术后6月见二者色泽较接近,术后1年难以区分ADM补片区域和正常尿道区域。

  3 讨 论







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