发表时间:2010-08-18 浏览次数:425次
作者:倪启超,张春辉,沈洪薰,李一桔,王 华,徐 青 作者单位:南通大学附属医院普外科, 南通 226001
【摘要】目的:提高十二指肠肿瘤的诊治水平。方法:对58例十二指肠肿瘤外科诊治的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:(1)十二指肠肿瘤位于乳头上方4例,乳头周围50例,乳头下方4例;(2)临床表现随部位不同而不同,乳头上方肿瘤临床表现上腹部疼痛和呕吐,呕吐物胃内容,不含胆汁;乳头周围肿瘤临床表现为梗阻性黄疸,肤目黄染伴不同程度上腹不适和不规则发热,可扪及肿大胆囊;乳头下方肿瘤临床表现上腹疼痛伴呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容含胆汁,或呕血,黑便,可扪及肿块;(3)消化道气钡造影诊断正确率57.14%,B超35.9%,CT 70.59%;纤维十二指肠镜为90.48%;(4)病理组织学诊断恶性肿瘤54例,其中十二指肠腺癌51例,包括十二指肠溃疡伴溃疡边缘癌变1例,乳头状腺瘤伴癌和局限性癌变各1例和十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤3例;乳头腺瘤2例;乳头壶腹部溃疡1例和乳头黏膜下腺癌样增生1例;(5)外科手术,胰十二指肠切除术50例,根治性胃十二指肠切除术4例,根治性十二指肠节段性切除术3例,经十二指肠乳头开口处肿瘤局部切除,胰胆管引流术1例;(6)治疗结果:全组均治愈或好转出院,无手术死亡率;随访结果,获随访21例,1年生存率66.67%,3年生存率42.86%,5年生存率33.33%。结论:纤维十二指肠镜检查和活检是诊断十二指肠肿瘤的主要方法;肿瘤部位不同,治疗方法亦异,乳头上方肿瘤以胃十二指肠切除为主,乳头下方肿瘤以十二指肠节段性切除为主,乳头周围肿瘤根据肿瘤生物学特性选择胰十二指肠切除或经十二指肠肿瘤局部切除(TDE)或ESE。
【关键词】 十二指肠肿瘤 胃十二指肠切除术 纤维十二指肠镜
Surgery diagnosis and therapy of 58 cases of duodenal tumor NI Qichao, ZHANG Chunhui, SHEN Hongxun, et al (Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong 226001)
[Abstract] Objective: To improve the diagnosis and therapy of duodenal tumor. Methods: The retrospective analysis was made on the clinical information about the surgical therapy of 58 cases of duodenal tumor. Results: (1) Among them, there were 4 cases with the tumor located above the papilla, 50 around the papilla and 4 below the papilla; (2) The clinical syndromes differed due to the different locations. The tumors above the papilla had such syndromes as upper abdominal pains and vomiting, but without bile; those around the papilla had the syndromes of obstructive jaundice from skin and eyes accompanied by the upper abdominal ailment and irregular fever while the enlarged gallbladder was palpable; and those below the papilla had the syndromes of upper abdominal pains and vomiting with bile or blood, and had palpable lumps and black stools; (3) The correctness of diagnosis by way of gastro-intestinal pneumatic barium contrast examination was 57.14%; that of B-mode ultrasonic scope 35.9%; that of CT 70.59%; and that of the fibroptic duodenoscope 90.48%; (4) Diagnosed with patho-histology were 54 cases of malignant tumor (51 cases of the duodenal adenocarcinoma(AC), including 1 case of the duodenal ulcer with cancerous lesions around, 1 case of mastoid adeno-tumor with carcinoma, 1 case of mastoid adeno-tumor with local cancerous lesions and 3 cases of the duodenal leiomyoscrcoma ), 2 cases of papillary adenocarcinoma (PAC), 1 case of papillary ampullary ulcer and 1 case of papilla submucose AC-like hyperplasia; (5) The surgical operations included 50 cases of the pancreatoduodenectomy, 4 cases of the radical gastroduodenotectomy, 3 cases of the radical duodenal segmental excision and 1 case of local tumor excision from the opening of duodenal papilla accompanied by pancreas-biliary tract drainage; (6) As for the result of treatment and the recent curing effect, the patients in all groups left the hospital either being cured or better up, with no occurrence of death. As a result of follow-up for 21 cases in total, the rate of survival for 1 year was 6.67%; that for 3 years 42.86%; and that for 5 years 33.3%. Conclusion: The duodenoscopy and the biopsy are the principle methods for the diagnosis of the duodenal tumor; the therapy varies as the location of the tumor differs in such a way that the gastroduodenotectomy is advisable mainly for the tumor above the papilla, the duodenal segmental excision is for the tumor below the papilla, and either the pancreatoduodenectomy or the local excision of the duodenal tumor is to be the choice for the papilla periphery tumor according to the biological property of the tumor itself.
[Key words] Duodenum tumor; Gastroduodenalectomy; Duodenoscopy
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 58例中男34例,女24例,男女之比为1.4∶1。年龄35~72岁,平均55.76岁,58例均为南通大学附属医院普外科住院手术患者。
1.2 方法 对58例十二指肠肿瘤外科诊治临床资料进行回顾性分析。
2 结 果
2.1 临床表现随部位不同而异 十二指肠乳头上方肿瘤主要表现上腹部不适、疼痛和呕吐,呕吐物多为胃内容无胆汁。乳头周围肿瘤主要表现为梗阻性黄疸,肤目黄染,全身瘙痒,多呈无痛性,少数伴有不同程度上腹不适或隐痛,或伴有不规则发热,甚至有寒战,可扪及肿大胆囊。乳头下方肿瘤主要表现上腹疼痛伴呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容含胆汁,或呕血、黑便。
2.2 临床诊断正确率 消化道气钡造影为57.14%(4/7),4例显示有十二指肠肿瘤征象,乳头上方不全性梗阻2例,肠系膜上动脉受压征1例,十二指肠降部内侧受压1例、误诊3例,腹部B超35.9%(14/39)和CT扫描为70.59%(24/34),B超和CT主要表现乳头占位,和肝胆管梗阻的间接征象及肝转移灶等。纤维十二指肠镜或ERCP 21例,诊断准确率为90.48%(19/21)。窥镜见十二指肠乳头周围新生物,呈菜花样,质硬易脆出血,黏膜糜烂,乳头肿大,乳头开口处有血性分泌物覆盖,可施行钳夹活组织学检查,1次者16例,2次者3例,3次者2例。
2.3 病理组织学诊断 58例中,施行纤维十二指肠镜活检21例,施行术中肿瘤组织楔形切取活检5例,术后手术标本病理组织学检查32例。病理组织学诊断与临床诊断十二指肠肿瘤符合率为96.55%(56/58),其中十二指肠恶性肿瘤54例,包括十二指肠腺癌51例(内有十二指肠溃疡伴溃疡边缘癌变1例,十二指肠乳头状腺瘤伴癌和局限性癌变各1例),和十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤3例,良性腺瘤2例(乳头开口处管状腺瘤)和误诊2例,分别为十二指肠乳头壶腹溃疡和乳头黏膜下腺瘤样增生各1例。十二指肠腺癌(胰十二指肠切除术)43例中,Ⅰ期者10例(T1W0M0、T2N0M0各5例),Ⅱ期者21例(T3N0M0),Ⅲ期者12例( T1N1M0 2例, T2N10M0 8例和 T3N1M0 2例)。
2.4 外科手术 胰十二指肠切除术50例;根治性胃十二指肠切除术4例;经十二指肠、十二指肠乳头癌局部切除术,胰胆管引流术1例;十二指肠节段性切除术3例。
2.5 外科治疗结果 近期疗效,21例手术切除肿瘤后治愈或好转出院,无手术死亡率。随访结果,获随访8个月~10年21例,1年生存率66.67%,3年生存率42.86%,5年生存率33.33%。
3 讨 论
3.1 诊断 十二指肠肿瘤临床上根据临床表现常分为乳头上方肿瘤、乳头周围肿瘤和乳头下方肿瘤3类。根据呕吐物中有无胆汁,可判断肿瘤在乳头上方或下方。乳头上方或下方肿瘤临床上均为少见。本组各为6.9%(4/58),乳头周围肿瘤最为常见,本组为86.21%(50/58),与Meman等报道无痛性黄疸占75%,腹痛占31%相近[1,2]。常用临床诊断方法有消化道气钡造影,腹部B超和CT扫描及纤维十二指肠检查。临床诊断准确率分别为57.14%、35.90%和70.59%及90.48%。纤维十二指肠镜检查既可确定十二指肠肿瘤的部位,又可钳夹活检确定肿瘤的性质,是临床诊断十二指肠肿瘤最主要的方法,大多数病例内镜检查可确诊,少数病例需重复检查,其原因多数是钳夹组织太浅,或未能夹到肿瘤组织。对于纤维十二指肠镜钳夹活检诊断不明者,可采用Eus-FNA,它既能获得胃肠道腔内和腔外肿瘤组织结构的标本,又能从转移灶和胃肠道病灶中采集到活组织标本。Eus-FNA诊断胃肠道肿瘤的敏感性、特异性和诊断正确率分别为89%、88%和89%。十二指肠肿瘤以恶性肿瘤为多见。本组占93.1%(54/58),来源于十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤5.17(3/58),来源于乳头黏膜的乳头癌87.93%(51/58),早期乳头癌是罕见的[3],本组仅为23.3(10/43)。因此,如何发现早期乳头癌是我们研究的热点问题。本组未遇见内分泌肿瘤(卓艾氏综合征和多发性内分泌肿瘤)[4]。临床诊断仅凭外科医师的临床经验和B超、CT及内镜窥视,而无病理组织学诊断证据,易误诊是难以避免的,本组有2例因缺乏病理组织学诊断资料而误诊。
3.2 手术治疗 十二指肠肿瘤外科治疗取决于肿瘤的部位和性质,十二指肠乳头上部肿瘤,因乳头上部组织起源于胚胎的前肠,手术选用根治性胃十二指肠切除术较为合理。本组乳头上方肿瘤4例,内有腺癌2例球部慢性溃疡伴未分化腺癌1例,球部慢性溃疡边缘癌变1例,均选用根治性胃十二指肠切除术(R2)。Sarela回顾分析十二指肠癌和胃窦部癌的15个区域淋巴结的临床资料[5],发现十二指肠癌施行R0切除术中,有淋巴结转移者5年生存率为56%,没有淋巴结转移者5年生存率为83%,而胃窦部癌R0切除术中,没有淋巴结转移者5年生存率为87%,淋巴结转移者为44%,十二指肠癌和胃窦部癌二组5年生存率无显著性差异。因此,十二指肠乳头上部癌施行根治性胃十二指肠切除是有根据的。十二指肠乳头下部肿瘤因乳头下部组织起源于胚胎的中肠,可选用十二指肠下部及空肠上段的肠切除或十二指肠节段性肠切除术。本组有4例,施行根治性十二指肠节段性肠切除术3例和胰十二指肠切除术1例。与孙婧景等报道的手术方法相一致[6]。十二指肠乳头周围肿瘤的乳头周围组织起源有多处,或来自于十二指肠乳头黏膜,或来自于胰头和胆总管远端,以致乳头周围肿瘤手术有多种。各有不同手术指征。本组胰十二指肠切除术49例,经十二指肠乳头肿瘤局部切除,胰胆管引流1例。Kimura等[7]认为Vater乳头和壶腹肿瘤,手术前组织学诊断和分期的确定是困难的,不会有结果。这使乳头周围肿瘤手术方法的选择有争论。
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