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发表时间:2012-10-22  浏览次数:601次

  【摘要】目的:探讨在冠心病患者治疗过程中测定幽门螺杆菌(HP)的意义。方法:192例冠心病患者按照年龄分为中青年组(98例)和老年组(94例),均行14C检测,按照阳性和阴性结果各组又分为两个亚组: 中青年HP阴性组(54例),中青年HP阳性组(44例),老年HP阴性组(50例),老年HP阳性组(44例)。各组患者均接受冠心病的标准治疗方案,分别观察各组患者消化道出血发生的情况。结果:一个月内,中青年组的两亚组消化道出血发生率无显着差异(x2=0.486, P>0.05);老年组HP阳性者消化道出血发生率明显高于HP阴性者(15.91%比2.00%,x2=4.166,P<0.05)。结论:幽门螺杆菌测定对于预测老年冠心病患者的消化道出血有一定的参考作用。

  【关键词】 螺杆菌,幽门;冠状动脉疾病;胃肠出血

  Abstract:Objective: To investigate value of detection of Helicobacter pylori (HP) in treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods:According to age, a total of 192 CHD patients were divided into young and middle aged group (98 cases) and aged group (94 cases). All patients received 14C detection and each group was further divided into two subgroap according to results of 14C detection: young and middle aged HP negative group (54 cases), young and middle aged HP positive group (44 cases); aged HP negative group (50 cases), aged HP positive group (44 cases). All patients received CHD standard treatment and incidence of gastrointestinal bleeding was observed. Results:In one month, there was no significant difference in incidence rate of gastrointestinal bleeding between two subgroups of young and middle aged group (x2=0.486, P>0.05); in aged group, incidence rate of gastrointestinal bleeding in HP positive group was significant higher than that of HP negative group (15.91% vs. 2.00%, x2=4.166, P<0.05). Conclusion: Detection of Helicobacter pylori possesses certain value for predicting gastrointestinal bleeding.

  Key words: Helicobacter pylori; Coronary artery disease; Gastrointestinal hemorrhage


  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料

  2009年1月~2011 年1 月住院的冠心病患者192例,按照患者年龄被分为两组:年龄<65岁的为中青年组,共有98例,均行14C试验,根据检查结果分为HP阳性组,男38例,女6例,年龄(56.4±3.2)岁;HP阴性组,男45例,女9例,年龄(58.6±2.6)岁,两组间年龄、性别、病程、人体质量指数(BMI)差异均无显着性,具有可比性;年龄≥65岁的为老年组,共有94例,根据14C试验检查结果分为HP阳性组,男40例,女4例,年龄(67.4±1.2)岁;HP阴性组,男45例,女5例,年龄(66.6±2.3)岁,两组间年龄、性别、病程、BMI差异均无显着性,具有可比性。所有入选患者均行空腹和餐后血糖检测,排除糖尿病,肝、肾功能异常者及肝炎和消化道肿瘤患者。

  1.2 治疗方法


  1.3 相关指标检测


  1.4 统计学处理

  采用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行统计学分析。计数资料用百分率表示,采用x2检验,P<0.05为差异有显着性。

  2 结 果

  2.1 中青年组治疗1个月两亚组消化道出血发生率比较

  中青年两亚组1个月消化道出血发生率无明显差异,见表1(x2=0.486,P>0.05)。表1 两组(4亚组)1个月消化道出血发生率比较

  2.2 老年组治疗1个月两亚组消化道出血发生率比较


  3 讨 论



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