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发表时间:2009-06-08  浏览次数:831次

作者单位:郑州大学第一附属医院,河南 郑州 450052        【摘要】  [目的] 探讨色素原位杂交(CISH)在检测乳腺癌患者组织中HER2基因状态的临床应用,比较CISH与免疫组化(IHC)检测组织HER2状态的差异性。[方法] 采用SPOT-Light HER2 CISHTM试剂盒,以CISH方法对40例IHC EnVision法染色分别为(+++)、(++)、(+)和阴性(-)的乳腺癌石蜡切片标本进行HER2基因状态的检测。[结果] HER2表达IHC(+++)的8例标本中,7例为HER2基因扩增CISH检测,1例无扩增;(++)的13例标本中,5例为HER2基因扩增,8例无扩增;(+)的10例标本中,2例为HER2基因扩增,7例无扩增;(-)的9例标本均无扩增。两种方法对乳腺癌组织HER-2/neu状态的检测有一定的差异性(kappa=0.458,P=0.003)。[结论] IHC是HER表达初步筛查的首选方法,由于蛋白表达和基因扩增检测结果存在一定的差异性,建议IHCC(+++~+)患者进一步作CISH检测确诊。

   【关键词】  乳腺肿瘤 免疫组织组化 色素原位杂交 基因;HER2(c-erbB-2)

    Chromogenic in Situ Hybridization for HER-2/neu Status Detecting in Breast Cancer Tissue Samples

    GUO Zhi-qiang1, WANG Qi-ming2, FAN Qing-xia1, et al.

    (1.The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052, China;

    2.Cancer Hospital of  Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450008, China)

    Abstract: [Purpose] To explore the application for clinical assessment of HER2 gene expression status by chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) and to compare the results with those obtained by immunohistochemistry(IHC). [Methods] CISH for HER2 gene expression status was performed using SPOT-Light HER2 CISHTM on the archival paraffin-embedded sections of breast cancer tissues from 40 cases with immunohistochemical staining scores of (+++), (++), (+) and (-). [Results] Of the 8 cases with score (+++) by IHC, 7 cases showed HER2 gene amplification by CISH, 1 case CISH-negative. Five of the 13 cases with score (++) showed HER2 gene amplification, the remaining 8 cases were CISH-negative. Two of 10 cases with score (+)  showed HER2 gene amplification, the remaining 8 cases were CISH-negative. All the patients with scores negative (n=9) failed to show amplification. Certain difference to the examination of HER-2/neu status (kappa=0.458,P=0.003) was found in the kinds of method. [Conclusion] Immunohistochemistry(IHC) is the first choice in primary screening for HER2 expression status. Because of the obvious discrepancies between protein expression and gene amplification, patients with score (+++~+) by IHC should undergo CISH testing.

    Key words: breast neoplasms; immunohistochemistry(IHC); chromogenic in situ hybridization(CISH);

    gene; HER2(c-erbB-2)



    1   材料与方法

    1.1   组织标本


    1.2   IHC检测


    1.3   CISH检测

    试剂:地高辛标记的HER-2/neu原癌基因原位杂交探针和检测试剂盒(HER2 CISH)为美国Zymed公司产品,购自北京中杉生物技术有限公司。

    方法:参照美国Zymed公司HER2 CISH检测试剂盒说明书进行。

    1.4   结果判定


    1.5   统计学处理

    采用SPSS10.0统计学软件,用Fisher’s Exact Test和kappa一致性检验对IHC与CISH的检测结果进行统计学分析。

    2   结   果

    本研究中共有40例标本完成了IHC和CISH检测,HER2表达(+++)的8例标本中,7例经CISH检测有HER2基因扩增,1例无扩增,其中6例高度扩增,1例低度扩增;IHC(++)的13例标本中,5例为HER2基因扩增,8例无扩增,其中3高度扩增,2例低度扩增;IHC(++)的10例标本中,2例均为HER2基因低度扩增,8例无扩增;IHC(-)的9例标本均无基因扩增,两种方法的总符合率为72.5%,IHC与CISH有较好的一致性(kappa=0.458,P=0.003) (见表3及图1)。

 3   讨   论





    另外,我们在IHC(-)的病例中观察到,其与CISH的检测结果完全相符(10/10);而在10例IHC(+)的病例中,2例经CISH检测有基因扩增。与2005年Todorovic-Rakovic N等[21]关于IHC-CISH的研究中显示,16例IHC(+)中6例有基因扩增的结果相似。因为染色体的非整倍体是癌细胞普遍存在的遗传学特征之一,HER2基因低度扩增病例通常被认为是17号染色体多倍体所致,而不是基因扩增,在本研究基因扩增的14病例中,低度扩增为5例,然而我们并没有进行17号染色体多倍体的检测。Vera-Roman等[22]的报道指出大多数多倍体检测结果为3~5个杂交信号点,因而将基因扩增的标准定为大于6个杂交信号点可有效的消除多倍体的可能。这正与Zymed试剂公司提供的最新的判定标准一致,也是本次试验所采用的评价标准。




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