发表时间:2014-07-10 浏览次数:945次
患者,男性,66岁。右侧下领尖牙松动11度,牙尖磨耗明显,颊侧牙颈部楔状缺损,齿民萎缩,牙根暴露5-6 mm,牙周袋深约 4}5 mm。局麻下拔除患牙,患牙为颊舌两根,颊根(长约14.50 mm)稍长于舌根(长约13.90 mm),较舌根粗壮,颊根较弯,舌根比较直,冠长为11.30 mm.离体牙X线片显示两根管,为双根双管型,两个根管口(图1).据报道,下领尖牙双根管的出现率约1.7%一15%[1-4]甚至有出现2根3根管的报道[5]. Pecora等[5]研究了830例离体下领尖牙,98.3%为单根,92.2%出现1个根管和1个根尖孔,4.9%为2 个根管和1个根尖孔,2个根管和2个根尖孔者仅占1.2%。关于牙根方向:51%是直的,14.6 %偏近中,25.5%偏远中,3. 2 % 偏颊侧,4.4%为C形。该牙平均长25.5 mm, (20.3-32.8 mm). Sharma[6]研究65颗人下领尖牙发现所有2个根的下领尖牙都 有2个根管。颊侧根最大和最小长度分别为26.7 mm和17.9 mm,舌根最大和最小长度分别为27.2 mm和17.1 mm. 47.7%的下领尖牙颊侧根大,43.1%的h领尖牙颊舌根大小一致,9.2%的舌根大于颊侧根。我们拔除的离体下领尖牙根管结构为非常少见的2个根管和2个根尖孔,2根近乎平直。
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[2] Pecora JD,Sousa Neto MD,Saquy PC.Intemal anatomy direction andnumber of roots and size of human mandibular canines. Braz DentJ . 1993
[3] Heling I,Gottlieb-Dadon I,Chandler NP.Mandibular caninewith two roots and three root canals. Endodontics and Dental Traumatology . 1995
[4] R Sharma,JD Pecora,PJ Lumley,AD Walmsley.The external and internal anatomy of human mandibular canine teeth with two roots. Endodontics and Dental Traumatology . 1998
[5] D’’Arcangelo C,Varvara G,De Fazio P.Root canal treatment in mandibularcanines with two roots: a report of two cases. International Endodontic Journal . 2001
[6] Alapati S,Zaatar EI,Shyama M,et al.Maxillary canine with two root canals. Medical Principles and Practice . 2006