发表时间:2010-09-10 浏览次数:387次
作者:劳国华,陈剑锋,董太明 作者单位:1.吴川市人民医院心内科 广东 吴川 524500;2.广东省心血管研究所,广东 广州 510000
【摘要】目的:探讨急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者静脉溶栓治疗对QT 离散度的影响及意义。 方法: AMI发病6 h内静脉溶栓治疗的69例患者,按溶栓后冠脉有无再通分为再通组(45例)和未再通组(24例),测定溶栓前、溶栓后2 h和24 h的 QT离散度。结果:溶栓前两组AMI患者的QT离散度无显著性差异(P>0.05),溶栓后QT离散度再通组明显低于未通组,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。Lown氏3级以上室性心律失常,溶栓前两组无显著性差异(P>0.05),溶栓后再通组显著低于未再通组(P<0.05)。 结论:AMI患者早期有效的溶栓治疗可缩短QT离散度、改善心肌电稳定性、减少恶性心律失常的发生;QT离散度具有预测恶性心律失常发生的价值。
【关键词】 心肌梗死 血栓溶解疗法 心电描征术
Influence of thrombolytic therapy on QT dispersion of acute myocardial infarction and its significance
LAO Guohua, CHEN Jianfen, DONG Taiming
1.Department of Cardiovasculogy, Wuchuan People's Hospital of Guangdong Province Wuchuan 524500, China;
2.Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute Guangzhou 510080, China
[ABSTRACT] Objective: To study the influence of thrombolytic therapy on QT dispersion of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and its significance. Methods: Sixtynine patients with AMI undergoing thrombolytic therapy in 6 hours were divided into trial group(n=45) and control group(n=24) according to the effects of therapy; the occluded arteries of patients in trial group were recanalized;the occluded arteries of patients in control group were not recanalized. QT dispersions were measured before and after thrombolysis in 2 hours and 24 hours. Results: There was no significant difference of the QT dispersions in the two groups before thrombolysis; there was significant difference of the QT dispersions in the two groups after the thrombolysis (P<0.05), the QT dispersions in trial group was markedly lower than that in control group. Of the incidence of grade 3 and above ventricular arrthythmia of Lown's, there was no significant difference in the two groups before thrombolysis (P>0.05); there was significant difference in the two groups after thrombolysis (P<0.05), which in trial group was markedly lower than that in control group. Conclusion: Effective early thrombolytic therapy for AMI may shorten the QT dispersions, improve the stability of cardiacelectricity, reduce severe arrhythmia. QT dispersion has value of predicting severe ventricular arrhythmia.
[KEY WORDS] Acute myocardial infarction; Thrombolytic therapy; Electrocardiogram
大规模、多中心研究表明[1],急性心肌梗死(AMI)的早期再灌注可以缩小梗死面积,改善AMI的预后。QT离散度(GTd)是指心电图各导联QT时限变异的程度,即心电图上最大QT间期(QTmax)与最小QT间期(QTmin)的差值。该概念由Campbell等[2]于1985年提出,是反映心室肌应激性恢复的重要指标。本文评价AMI早期有效的溶栓治疗对QT 离散度的影响及对预后的预测。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
所有病例均由同一心电图仪记录,纸速25 mm/s,均行常规12导联检查,必要时加做右室、 QT间期选择QRS波群第一波折起点至T波终点,排除QRS波起点和T波不清楚的导联,如发现U波,则从T波和U波间弧线的最低点为T波的终点。同一导联连续测定3个QT间期,取其平均值作为该导联的QT值,为了排除心率变化对QT值的影响,计算公式为:QTc[QTc=QT(RR)1/2], 将不同导联校正后最长QT值减最短QT值,即为QT离散度。分别在溶栓前、溶栓后2 h和24 h测定 QT离散度,并计算出校正后的QT离散度。
1.3 统计学方法
2 结果
静脉溶栓前、后两组QT离散度改变无明显异常。溶栓后再通组QT离散度较未通组显著偏短(P<0.05),并有随时间延长,QT离散度逐渐缩短。见表1。溶栓前两组室性心律失常情况无显著性差异,溶栓后再通组室性心律失常显著减少,见表2。表1 再通组与未通组QT离散度的比较(略)表2 两组Lown氏分级3级以上室性心律失常情况(略)
3 讨论
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6 杨宏宇,王秀艳,李丽,等.溶栓再灌注对AMI患者QT离散度的影响 [J].心血管康复医学杂志,1998,7(2):24.